Are you worried your child is too good? Yes, seriously!Written on the 15 January 2018 by Meg Parkinson
Things to do and say to ensure your child doesn't become an approval seeker: 1. Don't compare. Don't say, 'Look at your sister, she is sitting up well.' Or, 'Why can't you be good like your brother/cousin?' It makes the 'bad' child feel bad and therefore act 'bad' and it puts pressure on the 'good' child to please you.
3. Say 'Try again!' to let your children know that it is ok to make a mistake and that they are wonderful opportunities to learn. Create a ritual during car trips/ dinner of having everyone take turns sharing a mistake and what they learned from it. 4. Make sure your children get the message that ANYONE can fall down, but it takes courage to get up and try again. 5. Don't let your children get away with avoiding new activities. Let them know they can decide to stop an activity after at least three or four activities. This will help to reduce the likelihood of your child not taking risks in case they are not the 'best'.
Author:Meg Parkinson |