Individual Coaching
Parents that have had Meg come to them for support have been blown away by how quickly and easily her simple, easily applied, parenting techniques have worked. Her style inspires action. Meg's approach is designed to give you the biggest results with the least amount of effort.
With Meg's support you can achieve true parenting confidence as you will learn how to apply the right strategies in the right situations. Parenting becomes easier and calmer and you will find you have more time and energy for the fun stuff.
Overview of Coaching Packages
Discipline Sets You Free to Fly
3 personalised coaching sessions - unlimited phone and e-mail support for one month
This is a quick and easy option to help you effectively get on top of the parenting challenges you are experiencing.
Meg listens to the difficulties that are occurring for you and gives you strategies, ideas and a plan of action designed to assist YOUR family and YOUR situation, to restore a sense of calm and confidence.
Each session usually lasts from between one, to one and a half hours. Meg can come to you for your convenience or you can work with her remotely via phone or Skype. Flexible appointment times make it easier for both parents to attend.
Learn the recipe for creating sustainable positive change in your family. This enables you to:
- Manage disciplinary challenges
- Be consistent more easily
- Discover how to stay calm and in charge
- Teach important life-skills to your children such as responsibility and making smart choices from an early age
- Know how to achieve co-operation quickly - get back in charge quickly and calmly when things aren't going as planned.
- Know how to deal with children's emotions effectively - activate high self-esteem

What is Soft is Strong
5 personalised coaching sessions - unlimited phone and e-mail support for two months
Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong. Lao-Tzu (600 B.C.)
Being able to discipline your children, while at the same time maintaining and building strong relationships and also helping them deal with their emotions, requires effective communication.
Just talking and listening might seem soft but it certainly has a strong and powerful effect on relationships!
This level of support includes all the benefits of the Discipline Sets You Free to Fly level
- Know how to assertively communicate when you feel inconvenienced or stressed by your child's actions so that they listen and respond to what you say
- Feel even more equipped to remain calm in challenging situations.
- Encourage accurate optimism, persistence and competence - set children up for success
- Motivate children to behave as you would like
- Diffuse difficult situations and change the mood to positive
- Create a positive atmosphere that enables thinking and learning
- Increase your children's self- confidence and self-mastery
Peace of Mind
Optimal support for three months
Meg will practically hold your hand. She supports you to reach the goals that you envision for your family. You will have the opportunity to practise the skills so that you can have your family life running in shipshape condition. Meg's vision for you is to support you in creating a calm and happy home environment that allows you to deal with challenges easily while maintaining positive relationships. Your family is able to grow and develop together authentically with confidence and understanding.
Peace of Mind includes all the benefits of the Discipline Sets You Free to Flyand
What is Soft is Strong levels of supportPLUS:
- Discover why your attempts to change the behaviour often have no effect or the opposite effect
- There is no limit to the joy, love and learning that you can experience with your family. The only thing now between you and your ideal vision of family life is your own belief system. Now we spend some time together allowing you to become aware of any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from this reality.
- Know that you now hold the key to smart, calm parenting
- Understand an amazing one page flowchart to help you remember when to use each tool
- Revise how to use the tools when you need them
- Feel in charge, confident and calm for the long term
- Feel on top of everything, knowing that you have realistic developmental plans for each child
- Feel organised, you will notice that things fall into place much more easily in your life now.