Avoid back to school problems
Posted by Meg Parkinson
on 19 January 2015

that you can avoid.
Back to School Suggestions:
Be Prepared:
You probably purchase school supplies before the very first day of school, but there are other ways you and your child can prepare for the new school year. Be sure to attend the meet and greet so you can learn about classes, teachers, opportunities and the school and class expectations. Also, one of the best ways to prepare your child for school is to set goals for the first term. You can do this together, display your goals somewhere where you both will see them.
No need to scare them into a successful school year:
A new school year can be a bit intimidating. Even confident kids may convince themselves that they won't fit in, or that they'll be overwhelmed by a new year level, class situation or school, homework and going to school with older kids. Don't let your child play mind games with him/herself and avoid saying things like, "School is going to be much harder this year, you are going to have to work very hard." Help him/her adjust by pointing out the upside of school, and how well prepared he or she really is.
Re-establish a Routine:
A daily routine is one of the best ways to help your child adjust to the school day. Try to get your child back into the school schedule a week or so before the first day of class. In addition, be sure to keep a calendar of daily events, assignments, and other commitments. Help your child formulate a daily schedule, as well as a weekly schedule, in order to stay on top of the new school year.
I wish you and your family a fantastic start to the school year.
Author:Meg Parkinson
Tags:Back to schoolgrowth and developmentanxiety |